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Aftermarket forklift parts | Common forklift parts replaced in repairs

Commonly Replaced Forklift Parts

Forklift operators know the kind of damage they put their forklifts through. The wear and tear of daily use, often times around the clock, makes it crucial that you perform regular maintenance to your forklift. Just like an automobile, a forklift truck will continue to operate to its highest capability if it is being maintained properly.

There are certain parts and components on all forklifts that receive a higher amount of abuse. Preventative maintenance is the best solution to just about any problem with the majority of these heavy use parts. That means replacing a part if it is obviously worn out or operating poorly. These forklift parts are some of the most commonly replaced on any model of forklift, and as an owner or operator it is important to recognize them and how to replace them.

Commonly Replaced Parts & Components

Forklift Fork

Designed and responsible for most of the lifting, the forklift fork is an essential component to the function of your forklift. Made out of the highest grade metals available to withstand the most use and abuse, the forklift fork is what makes a forklift. The fork is attached to the mast, which stabilizes the fork. Attached the mast are the rollers that adjust the height of the fork when you are lifting. This fork’s operation is controlled by a module in the cab by the forklift operator. This controls the lift and movement of the forklift, as well as the angular and horizontal positioning on some more complex forklift designs.

Oil Filter

The forklift’s oil filter keeps the engine running smoothly and your oil clean. Without it, your engine will quickly deteriorate from the friction and heat created by the engine. Instead of risking the future function of your forklift’s engine, make sure to replace the oil filter whenever you give your forklift an oil change. And make sure to change the oil as regularly as your forklift’s manufacturer recommends.

Hyster Forklift Seat

If you operate a forklift constantly throughout the day at your warehouse or factory, you know how important it is to have a comfortable seat. As a seat gets worn, it gets more and more uncomfortable; causing distractions during operation that could potentially damage products, or injure your person. Don’t take any risks – make sure that your forklift seat is as fresh and comfortable as possible. Brands like Hyster have a long reputation for making high-quality forklift seats that can withstand the regular wear and tear of daily use.

Forklift Battery

One of the most common reasons a forklift might not start or be operable due to a drained battery. Sometimes the key is left in the ignition and a light is left on. These accidents will happen. Instead of letting them take you by surprise and grinding work to a halt, be sure to keep an extra stock of replacement batteries on hand in your warehouse. It isn’t just accidents that can drain a forklift battery – regularly usage is often the biggest culprit. Some warehouses are open 24 hours a day and the forklifts are used throughout most of that time. This makes it all the more important to have replacements batteries or a forklift battery charger available for all operators.

Maintain your Batteries: Hobart Battery Charger

There’s no question that forklifts were built to perform. We count on them to move and receive crucial loads of good and parts to keep the world moving. The forklift battery is the essential to guaranteeing the proper functioning of your forklift. If you are using your forklift throughout the day it is important to guarantee that the battery is fully charged before and after each shift. A forklift battery charger is therefore an essential component in any work setting that utilizes a forklift frequently. The Hobart forklift battery charger is one of the most reliable in the industry, and highly recommended as a battery charger for any forklift battery.

Forklift Joystick

The main control center for your forklifts movements are coordinated by the forklift joystick. The joystick often receives a lot of abuse throughout the day, and can be prone to breakage or malfunction when you least expect it. Because each model of forklift has a different forklift joystick design, it is important to only use the corresponding joystick for your forklift.

Forklift Muffler

For forklift engines running on fuel, a fully-functioning muffler is crucial to minimizing noise. Not only is noise kept at bay, but a forklift muffler can have a profound effect on the emissions being created by your forklift. Depending on the environment you are utilizing your forklift in, make sure to have the right kind of muffler and to check emissions regulations in your area.

Forklift Mirrors

Visibility while driving a forklift is crucial. If you cannot see what is around you when you are performing complicated maneuvers with the forklift, you are inviting disaster. That’s why any round of forklift maintenance is incomplete without inspection of the forklift mirrors. Because accidents will happen, forklift mirrors can be knocked off or cracked during a regular work day. Keeping a stash of high-quality forklift mirrors that match the make of your forklift is a smart move to keep your forklift safe and ready to go.

Forklift Keys

Just like someone who drives their car frequently, forklift keys are bound to be lost or broken. Don’t wait until it happens – order duplicates and copies of your forklift keys before you are locked out of its use.

Hydraulic Pump

Powering the hydraulic actuator from the prime move is the very important hydraulic pump. Depending on the forklift you are operating, there are two types of hydraulic pumps: one that has positive displacement and one that has centrifugal displacement. Whether or not the hydraulic pump depends solely or not on pressure from fluid displacement is what makes the difference.

A common problem with hydraulic pumps of all types in all makes and models is faulty gearing. Bad gear problems can occur for a number of reasons, but especially because of extreme wear, fluid leakage, improper hydraulic fluid temperature, contamination of the hydraulic fluid, and many others. If there is any problem with its functioning, it is important to have the pump repaired or replaced immediately.

Forklift Chain

The mast chain on a forklift is comprised of a link plate and a pin, much like the chain you’d find on a motorcycle. Depending on the number of pitch lacings and links, your forklift will have however many chains attached to the mast. These chains are incredibly durable. But given the amount of usage with the mast, these forklift chains can eventually wear out and risk breaking. This could be disastrous. Instead, make sure to give your forklift chain regular maintenance.

Forklift Seat Belts

Operating a forklift can create many situations that could result in the operator getting jostled from their seat, or even launched off the machine entirely. Don’t risk any injury on the job – make sure your forklift’s seat belts are snug and secure. As the belts get work, they forklift seat belt is less than likely to properly secure its operator. Frayed belts create a looseness that can’t easily be repaired. Instead of risking an injury, replace your forklift seat belts as soon as they show wear.

Air Filter

Because most forklift’s engine operate on a mixture of atmospheric air and fuel to create the spark that drives the engine combustion system, an air filter is required to keep out natural contaminants from the air. Using the right kind of filter for the right weather conditions and work environment is also crucial to guarantee the proper functioning of your engine. Any abrasive particles that enter the engine and mix with any hydraulic fluid, oils, or fuel, can risk damaging your engine past its ability to function.

Spark Plugs

Forklift spark plugs can burn out quicker than you think. Their constant firing day in and day out puts them in constant use. If you are operating a forklift engine that has misfiring spark plugs your forklift engine runs the risk of taking on major damage. There also may be some major performance issues. If you are having any problems with your forklift’s operation, especially with starting it, be sure to check on the condition of the spark plugs before any other repairs are attempted.

Forklift Tires

If you operate your forklift in a large warehouse or compound you might be putting more miles on it that you are aware of. Especially in extreme weather conditions, a forklift’s tires can receive tremendous amounts of wear. The heavier the load, the more this wear increases. If your forklift wheel catches a flat, you can count on wasting valuable time repairing it in addition to doing the work itself. Instead of waiting for something bad to happen, make sure to keep a close eye on your forklift’s tires. Be sure to keep count of mileage if your warehouse is particularly large, and always have replacement forklift tires on hand in case of a blowout or emergency.

Pallet Jack Wheels

A pallet jack is like the forklifts little brother. It gets the light loads moved and smaller loads transported. That doesn’t mean the pallet jack doesn’t take on any weight. Because of its simple design, the wheels of the pallet jack often take on the brunt of the weight of your load. That makes it crucial for the pallet jack wheels to be straight and true. If you are struggling to move your pallet jack with a load on it, there is a good chance that something is wrong with the wheel itself or the wheel bearings. Instead of struggling, replace the pallet jack wheels immediately.

Forklift Hand Brakes

While the main breaking mechanisms on the forklift are controlled by the primary hydraulic breaking system, nothing is certain to there is usually an emergency hand breaking system. This is used to bypass the main system in case of failure. These hand brakes are prone to damage just from being exposed to the regularly usage of the forklift. If one becomes damaged, make sure it is replaced to keep your forklift in compliance of your warehouse or factory’s regulations.

Forklift Throttle Body

The air intake system on your forklift is just as crucial as any fuel system. Because it is powered by air and not fuel, it often doesn’t receive the attention it deserves. The Forklift throttle body manages this air flow and the fuel consumption most forklifts featuring a fuel-injection system.

An assembly within the throttle body cleans the air and forces it through the intake manifold. Once in the intake manifold, this purified air is combined with fuel to create combustion in the engine cylinders.

Because throttle body assemblies are so delicate, any discrepancies in how much air is allowed into the engine can cause misfiring and even render your forklift inoperable. If your forklift is having issues starting or the engine isn’t sound like it should, be sure to check and if needed replace the forklift throttle body.

Pedal Pad

Forklift pedal pads are a rubber cover that allows for easier control of the accelerator or brake petal. With regular use the rubber pads will eventually begin to wear down and they’ll need to be replaced. Otherwise, the operator’s foot may slip off of the petal and the forklift may either accelerate or come to an unintentional stop. Petal pads are vital for precise control of fork lift pedals.

Forklift Horn

One of the most crucial safety elements of your forklift is the horn. Its main function is to audibly warn others that the forklift is approaching, or backing up. Horns wear out over time and should be replaced immediately when they cease to function properly. Otherwise, the chances of an accident occurring increases several fold.

Forklift Seats

Just need to replace your forklift seats? We offer those too.

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