At Intella Parts, we pride ourselves on offering a wide selection of aftermarket components for Genie Lifts. No matter which Genie Lift part you need, you can find a replacement in our extensive catalog. Our catalog is available online and for download, so you can shop anywhere, including your job site. We also offer fast shipping worldwide.
Need help to figure out the right part number? Access our extensive library of Genie manuals. We have hundreds of official manuals available for free!
Any industrial equipment has components that frequently wear out. When they do, you do not want to be at a standstill while you wait for a replacement. This is why we offer various compatible products for many lifts, including Genie scissor lifts.
Some of the items we offer are:
Any industrial equipment has components that frequently wear out. When they do, you do not want to be at a standstill while you wait for a replacement. This is why we offer various compatible products for many lifts, including Genie scissor lifts.
Some of the items we offer are:
These are not the only items we offer. We also have maintenance essentials such as filters, paint, and diagram decals.
Genie is a well-known lift manufacturer. They've been in the business since 1966, and their quality and values haven't changed. They still believe in the following:
- Supporting their customers
- Manufacturing with as little waste as possible
- Continuously improving quality
This is what makes the Genie brand so reliable.
Aside from excellent customer service, we offer thousands of Genie lift components. We want to help you find exactly what you are looking for without wasting your valuable time.
Our entire company is committed to the three pillars of quality, safety, and customer service, making us the go-to vendor for every forklift replacement need. Browse our online inventory with over 6 million entries, or contact our dedicated support team by calling 616-796-6638 today.