Forklift tires are SUPER important. We carry a few different types of forklift tires and it's important to understand what sort of tire is on your forklift right now.
Click here here for our tire resource guide to learn more about forklift tires. Learn more about the proper time to switch out forklift tires by clicking on our resource article here
Cushion type forklift tires are pressed with industrial presses. Unless you have a press like this, it won't be possible for you to replace these tires.
Pneumatic forklift tires are very similar to on road tires except they utilize a flap and inner tube.
Solid shaped tires for skid steers are sold with wheel so you simply unbolt the old wheel, discard the old wheel and tire and replace the entire assembly.
Our tire supplier offers tracks for skid steers, excavators, and other construction type equipment. We've offered those here as well.
If you need further technical information on any of these products, please email or call us 616-796-6638.