If you’ve always driven a diesel forklift model, you may be surprised at the efficiency and power of an electric forklift — especially when considering its smaller size. Electric forklifts are popular due to their smoother pivots and turns and the fact that they don’t emit harmful gasses. These electric-powered models are often used inside and for smaller jobs.
If your electric forklift motor starts acting up, it’s important to stop driving the machine and get it inspected right away so you know which part is malfunctioning. Common problems of a failing electric motor may include a high operating temperature, strange noises coming from the forklift, or sparks shooting out of the brush. Often, the electric forklift will not start at all if it has a damaged motor part.
Your solution may be as simple as replacing a blown fuse, or it may be as complicated as fully changing out the pump motor. Intella Parts can assist you in finding replacement parts for your electric fork truck motors quickly and with the reliability that comes with the name. We can help you find anything you’re looking for including:
Before you consider a new or remanufactured electric forklift motor for sale, call us at 616-796-6638 to determine whether a replacement part would fix your electric lift motor's problem.