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Hyster & Yale cross reference – models and serial prefixes equivalents

Hyster and Yale forklifts are both manufactured by HYG Hyster-Yale Material Handling Inc.  Both products are the same except for paint color and decals.  Hyster and Yale used to be separate companies but they became one company when the parent company of Yale Materials Handling purchased the Hyster Company in 1992 in 1989.  Learn more here.

From 1989 through roughly the mid 2010s, Hyster and Yale kept separate dealer networks.  In most cities there was an independently owned Hyster dealer competing against (among others in the market) an independently owned Yale dealer.  In many major markets today, Hyster and Yale are marketing through one independent dealer.  Hyster-Yale has no factory owned retail locations in the United States, more on that here.

When Yale merged with Hyster in 1989, the forklifts each company made were different. That gradually changed over a period of 30 years and today, the forklifts are identical except for paint color and decals. There are times when it’s useful to figure out what the equivalent model type is between Hyster and Yale. We’ve published handy tables here, sorted by model.

A note on Hyster and Yale serial number prefixes:

The first four digits of Hyster forklift serial numbers and Yale forklift serial numbers indicate the model series. Those serial number prefixes have a bit of logic to them. Take for example the serial number series K007.

K007 is a Hyster H190HD2 – H280HD2 and H230HD2 series. The letter (K) indicates the production series. When Hyster makes a change in that series, the next serial number prefix will be L007, then M007, etc.

Can’t find your model below?

If you have a model that doesn’t appear in the chart below, look at the 3 letters after your letter.  Find that model, compare the model capacity/product type, and you’ll find the corresponding unit on the Yale side.

Questions? Make a comment below and we’ll respond!

Hyster models and serial prefixes to Yale equivalent

Hyster forklift parts
Hyster modelHyster serial number prefixITA classCapacityProduct typeYale model numberYale serial number prefix
E30-40XNA26912500-4000 lbs4 wheel electric riderERC030-040VAA969
E45-70XNA26814500-7000 lbs4 wheel electric riderERC045-070VGA968
E80-120XN,100XNSA09918000-12000 lbs4 wheel electric riderERC080-120VH,100VHSA938
A25-30XNTD20312500-3000 lbs3 wheel electric riderERP025-030VCB888
J30-40XNA93513000-4000 lbs3 wheel electric riderERP030-40VFA955
J30-40XNTK16013000-4000 lbs3 wheel electric riderERP030-40VTG807
J45-70XNA27614500-7000 lbs4-Wheel electric rider pneumatic tiresERP045-070VIA976
J80-100XNA97018000-10000 lbs4-Wheel electric rider pneumatic tiresERP080-100VMA985
E30-40HSD2B21913000-4000 lbsStand up end controlESC030-040ACB883
R30XMF3A16923000 lbsFurniture OrderpickerFS030BFA497
S30-35FT,S40FTSE01043000-4000 lbs4-wheel cushion tire forkliftGC030-035VX, GC040SVXC809
S40-70FT,S55FTSG18744000-7000 lbs4-wheel cushion tire forkliftGC040-070VX,GC0555VXB910
S50CTA26745000 lbs4-wheel cushion tire forkliftGC050LXA967
S80-120FT,S80-100FTBCS. S120FTPRS, S120FTSH00448000-12000 lbs4-wheel cushion tire forkliftGC080-120VX, GC080-100VXBCS,GC120VXPRS,GC120SVXF818
S135-155FTG024413500-15500 lbs4-wheel cushion tire forkliftGC135-155VXF879
H190-280HD2 H230HDS2K007519000-28000 lbs4-Wheel pneumatic tire forkliftGDP190-280DC, GP230DCSF876
H300-360HD2J019530000-36000 lbs4-Wheel pneumatic tire forkliftGDP300-360ECF877
H30-35FT, H40FTSF00153000-4000 lbs4-Wheel pneumatic tire forkliftGP030-035VX, GP040SVXC810
H40-70FTN17754000-7000 lbs4-Wheel pneumatic tire forkliftGP040-070VXC875
H50CTA27455000 lbs4-Wheel pneumatic tire forkliftGP050LXA974
H135-155FTK006513500-15500 lbs4-Wheel pneumatic tire forkliftGP135-155VXE878
H170-190FTB299517000-19000 lbs4-Wheel pneumatic tire forkliftGP170-190VXB909
H80-120FTS00558000-12000 lbs4-Wheel pneumatic tire forkliftGP80-120VXJ813
W25-40ZCB45432500-4000 lbsWalkie counter balanced StackerMCW025-040-EC819
L02.5 A, L05.0TAE44435500 lbsLow Level Order Picker, Tow TractorMO25 A, MO50TAE857
W40ZB21834000 lbsWalkie pallet jackMPB040-EB827
W45ZHDA41934500 lbsWalkie pallet jackMPB045VGA245
B60ZHDB26236000 lbsWalkie/Rider LowLift Pallet jackMPE060-VGB292
C60ZHDA37336000 lbsCenter Rider LowLift Pallet jackMPE060-VGA372
B80ZHDB25738000 lbsWalkie/Rider LowLift Pallet jackMPE080-VGB287
C80ZHDA28238000 lbsCenter Rider LowLift Pallet jackMPE080-VGA283
B60ZACC23036000 lbsWalkie/Rider LowLift Pallet jackMPEW060-FC896
W50ZD21535000 lbsWalkie LowLift PalletMPW050-EC802
W60ZA23136000 lbsWalkie LowLift PalletMPW060-EA897
W65ZA22936500lbsWalkie LowLift PalletMPW065-EA894
W80ZA23438000 lbsWalkie LowLift PalletMPW080-EA891
W20-30ZRB45532000-5000 lbsWalkie Reach StackerMRW020-030-EC821
W25 – 301A2B49532500-3000 lbsWalkie Straddle StackerMSW025-030FB895
W40ZAB45334000 lbsWalkie Straddle StackerMSW040-EC820
T5ZACC476310000 lb rolling loadTow TractorMTR005-FC902
T7Z,/CC477315000 lb rolling loadTow TractorMTR007-FC903
N35-40ZRS21 N30ZDRS2B26523000-4000 lbsReach truck for retail operationsNR035-040DB, NDR030DBB295
N35-40ZR21 N30ZDR2E47023000-4000 lbsReach truck for small narrow aisle operationsNR035-040EB,NDR030EBE815
N35ZDR21 N45ZR2D26423500-4500 lbsGrocery reach truckNR045EB NDR035EBD861
V30ZMUB46323000 lbsVNA Man-up Turret truckNTA030SBB868
V35ZMUB46423500 lbsVNA Man-up Turret truckNTA035SBB869
R30XMS3E17423000 lbsStandard OrderpickerOS030EFD801
R30XM3H11823000 lbsPremium OrderpickerOS303BFE826
R30XMA3A18523000 lbsStraddle OrderpickerSS030BFA474
UT 15PTE, UT18PTE,UT20PTEA37013000-4000 lbs3-Wheel sit down forkliftUT 15PTE, UTI8PTE,UT20PTEA377
UT 25C, UT 30CA27345000-6000 lbs4-wheel cushion tire forkliftUT 25C, UT 30CA279
UT 25P, UT 30PA28155000-6000 lbs4-Wheel pneumatic tire forkliftUT 25P, UT 30PA285

Note: Hyster-Yale does not use certain letters for serial number series. The letters I, O, and Q are not used to avoid confusion with similar looking numerals.

Yale models and serial prefixes to Hyster equivalent

Yale forklift
ITA classCapacityProduct typeYale serial number prefixHyster modelHyster serial number prefix
ERC030-040VA12500-4000 lbs4 wheel electric riderA969E30-40XNA269
ERC045-070VG14500-7000 lbs4 wheel electric riderA968E45-70XNA268
ERC080-120VH,100VHS18000-12000 lbs4 wheel electric riderA938E80-120XN,100XNSA099
ERP025-030VC12500-3000 lbs3 wheel electric riderB888A25-30XNTD203
ERP030-40VF13000-4000 lbs3 wheel electric riderA955J30-40XNA935
ERP030-40VT13000-4000 lbs3 wheel electric riderG807J30-40XNTK160
ERP045-070VI14500-7000 lbs4-Wheel electric rider pneumatic tiresA976J45-70XNA276
ERP080-100VM18000-10000 lbs4-Wheel electric rider pneumatic tiresA985J80-100XNA970
ESC030-040AC13000-4000 lbsStand up end controlB883E30-40HSD2B219
FS030BF23000 lbsFurniture OrderpickerA497R30XMF3A169
GC030-035VX, GC040SVX43000-4000 lbs4-wheel cushion tire forkliftC809S30-35FT,S40FTSE010
GC040-070VX,GC0555VX44000-7000 lbs4-wheel cushion tire forkliftB910S40-70FT,S55FTSG187
GC050LX45000 lbs4-wheel cushion tire forkliftA967S50CTA267
GC080-120VX, GC080-100VXBCS,GC120VXPRS,GC120SVX48000-12000 lbs4-wheel cushion tire forkliftF818S80-120FT,S80-100FTBCS. S120FTPRS, S120FTSH004
GC135-155VX413500-15500 lbs4-wheel cushion tire forkliftF879S135-155FTG024
GDP190-280DC, GP230DCS519000-28000 lbs4-Wheel pneumatic tire forkliftF876H190-280HD2 H230HDS2K007
GDP300-360EC530000-36000 lbs4-Wheel pneumatic tire forkliftF877H300-360HD2J019
GP030-035VX, GP040SVX53000-4000 lbs4-Wheel pneumatic tire forkliftC810H30-35FT, H40FTSF001
GP040-070VX54000-7000 lbs4-Wheel pneumatic tire forkliftC875H40-70FTN177
GP050LX55000 lbs4-Wheel pneumatic tire forkliftA974H50CTA274
GP135-155VX513500-15500 lbs4-Wheel pneumatic tire forkliftE878H135-155FTK006
GP170-190VX517000-19000 lbs4-Wheel pneumatic tire forkliftB909H170-190FTB299
GP80-120VX58000-12000 lbs4-Wheel pneumatic tire forkliftJ813H80-120FTS005
MCW025-040-E32500-4000 lbsWalkie counter balanced StackerC819W25-40ZCB454
MO25 A, MO50TA35500 lbsLow Level Order Picker, Tow TractorE857L02.5 A, L05.0TAE444
MPB040-E34000 lbsWalkie pallet jackB827W40ZB218
MPB045VG34500 lbsWalkie pallet jackA245W45ZHDA419
MPE060-VG36000 lbsWalkie/Rider LowLift Pallet jackB292B60ZHDB262
MPE060-VG36000 lbsCenter Rider LowLift Pallet jackA372C60ZHDA373
MPE080-VG38000 lbsWalkie/Rider LowLift Pallet jackB287B80ZHDB257
MPE080-VG38000 lbsCenter Rider LowLift Pallet jackA283C80ZHDA282
MPEW060-F36000 lbsWalkie/Rider LowLift Pallet jackC896B60ZACC230
MPW050-E35000 lbsWalkie LowLift PalletC802W50ZD215
MPW060-E36000 lbsWalkie LowLift PalletA897W60ZA231
MPW065-E36500lbsWalkie LowLift PalletA894W65ZA229
MPW080-E38000 lbsWalkie LowLift PalletA891W80ZA234
MRW020-030-E32000-5000 lbsWalkie Reach StackerC821W20-30ZRB455
MSW025-030F32500-3000 lbsWalkie Straddle StackerB895W25 – 301A2B495
MSW040-E34000 lbsWalkie Straddle StackerC820W40ZAB453
MTR005-F310000 lb rolling loadTow TractorC902T5ZACC476
MTR007-F315000 lb rolling loadTow TractorC903T7Z,/CC477
NR035-040DB, NDR030DB23000-4000 lbsReach truck for retail operationsB295N35-40ZRS21 N30ZDRS2B265
NR035-040EB,NDR030EB23000-4000 lbsReach truck for small narrow aisle operationsE815N35-40ZR21 N30ZDR2E470
NR045EB NDR035EB23500-4500 lbsGrocery reach truckD861N35ZDR21 N45ZR2D264
NTA030SB23000 lbsVNA Man-up Turret truckB868V30ZMUB463
NTA035SB23500 lbsVNA Man-up Turret truckB869V35ZMUB464
OS030EF23000 lbsStandard OrderpickerD801R30XMS3E174
OS303BF23000 lbsPremium OrderpickerE826R30XM3H118
SS030BF23000 lbsStraddle OrderpickerA474R30XMA3A185
UT 15PTE, UTI8PTE,UT20PTE13000-4000 lbs3-Wheel sit down forkliftA377UT 15PTE, UT18PTE,UT20PTEA370
UT 25C, UT 30C45000-6000 lbs4-wheel cushion tire forkliftA279UT 25C, UT 30CA273
UT 25P, UT 30P55000-6000 lbs4-Wheel pneumatic tire forkliftA285UT 25P, UT 30PA281

Note: Hyster-Yale does not use certain letters for serial number series. The letters I, O, and Q are not used to avoid confusion with similar looking numerals.

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